Do you want to get the sound of those classic samplers in your DAW? The Sampler Crunch Impulse Response library turns Logic’s Space Designer or Steinberg REVerence (and other convolution plug-ins that can import wav files) into lo-fi sound generators. I have captured the sound of ten classic old school hardware samplers at different sample rates and input levels.
The samplers are the:
– Akai S950 (48 different settings)
– Akai S1000 (12 different settings)
– Akai S1100 (16 different settings plus 30 effect IR’s)
– Casio SK-200 (2 different settings)
– Casio SK-2100 (2 different settings)
– E-mu E4XT Ultra (12 different settings plus 40 effect IR’s)
– Ensoniq EPS16+ (14 different settings plus 9 effect IR’s)
– Roland S-550 (6 different settings)
– Roland S-750 (16 different settings)
– Yamaha TX16W (18 different settings)
The effects range from very lo-fi 8 bit/10kHz and 12 bit/6kHz sampling frequencies to vintage more or less clean 16 bit/48kHz stereo hi-fi.
Both libraries (Space Designer and REVerence) also contain all the impulse responses as WAV files for other convolution plug-ins.
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Sampler Crunch for Logic Space Designer

Sampler Crunch for Steinberg REVerence

User reviews:
‘I still own several of these older samplers and your IR’s are dead on. I can confirm that they sound so close as to be identical with the original outputs.’ – DJBuddhaBear on KVR Forum
‘quite an effective method to get very close to that classic sound’ – Sound Signals Youtube user review
The IR’s work great on almost all tracks/ instruments, but outshine on drum loops! It’s very easy to get that classic, golden area of hiphop sound (esp. with the S950 lower rate settings). Here are some examples:
Acoustic drumloop
808 drumloop
Real S950 vs IR S950
Other Legacy Sound products:
Roland Juno-60 sample pack for Logic Pro

Roland RD-1000 sample pack for Logic Pro and Steinberg HALion